Vrouw Wolle ~ Viltacademie

Felt couture for dresses

June 20-21-22, 2024
by Charity van der Meer

This workshop is currently not available.

This workshop is given in both English and Dutch.

The workshop will be focused on designing and making one-piece fashionable and wearable nuno felted dresses

You will explore the various ways of making reversible garments, you will explore how to incorporate textures pleats to create rough surfaces using different techniques and materials and still have a well-balanced garment.

The only limit during these 3 days will be you be your imagination.

You will learn how to transform a felted garment into a form of self-expression fashion using wool and silk.

You will learn how to enlarge a normal pattern into a felting pattern using the simple basic and experimental techniques I use in my work. Play with shapes, adding volume to the silhouette while keeping the specific body type in mind.

This is a very effective method that will help them develop their own pattern template that will suit and fit their body shape.

Even more you will end up with a lot of new creative ideas to be able to create unique pieces.

Most importantly you will learn how to work with the direction of the wool to achieve personalized style. The direction of the wool is very important in determining the shrinkage, styling and shaping of the felted finished garments.

  • Thursday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (studio is open from 9:30 AM) Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
  • Price: €375
  • Included: soup with bread and cheeses, drinks and snacks, excl. materials
  • Location: Atelier Vrouwwolle, Kapelstraat 81 (behind the Citroën garage), B-2910 Essen
  • the material list will be sent to you 4 weeks prior to the course
  • Experience: yes!

This workshop is currently not available.

Felt couture for dresses
Creation Charity vd Meer
Creation Charity vd Meer